The nation’s demand for credit grew by 4.1 per cent over the 2012 year, according to the latest data released by commercial data specialist Veda.  

The application of the GST to online shopping would have little to no impact on the appetite of shoppers, a new study conducted by MasterCard has shown.

AMP Capital has announced the appointment of Margaret Payn as the group’s new Chief Financial Officer.

The investment pipeline of mega-resources projects is set to begin to decline after a report released by Deloitte shows that such projects are ‘hurtling towards a peak, likely in 2013’.

A third of the country’s Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) are more optimistic compared to last quarter, according to the latest Deloitte Quarterly CFO Survey.

A new survey shows that Australian business leaders in China believe the Asian Century will bring a wealth of new opportunities.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by just 0.2 per cent in the December quarter 2012, according to the latest round of data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The Institute of Charted Accountants Australia (ICAA) has announced the makeup of its Board for 2013, with Tim Gullifer taking the position of President.

Australia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose 0.1 per cent to finish at 5.4 per cent in the December quarter of 2012.

The Federal Government has announced the formation of a review into the Franchising Code of Conduct, with Minister for Small Business, Brendan O’Connor, calling for submissions from the franchising sector.

AMP Financial Services has appointed Paul Robertson as Managing Director of Genesys Wealth Advisers reporting to AMP Director, Financial Advice Network Andrew Waddell.

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