The UN climate summit has come up with universal, transparent rules on how to cut emissions and curb global warming.

At the COP24 climate talks in Poland , almost 200 countries have agreed to put into action the principles of the 2015 Paris climate accord.

The deal came after a 30-hour delay in negotiations.

“Through this package, you have made a thousand little steps forward together,” said Michal Kurtyka, a senior Polish official chairing the talks.

The group of nations have agreed on a 156-page rulebook containing measures and protocols for curbing greenhouse gas emissions and improving emissions plans.

Poor countries received new assurances that they will have greater predictability about the financial support they can access to cut emissions, and adapt to inevitable changes like sea level rises.

Environmental activists and some more progressive countries are upset about delayed decisions on two key issues - the mechanics of an emissions trading system and the need to raise ambitions on climate change mitigation.

More details are accessible here.